Looker Studio

Query releva.nz statistics in Looker Studio

Below we explain how to use our Looker Studio Connector to query your releva.nz statistics in Google Looker. You can have a look at an example report here.

To use it, you need to have an account with releva.nz (Open account now)  and have created your statistics key (you can find more information here). The Partner Connector and its use is of course free of charge.

We are not yet listed among the Partner Connectors, but you can add our Connector via the following URL: Connector

Opening the link will take you to the Looker Studio page for adding a connector.

Click on Authorise and a pop-up will open. Follow the steps to authorise. We only require authorisation to access external services in order to retrieve the data from our API; we cannot and will not retrieve or store any other data.

After successful authorisation, you must enter the statistics API key from your account in the next step:

The statistics key is validated directly and if this was successful, you will land on the next page for the final settings.

In general, the data is aggregated across all your shops and campaigns. However, you can also query the data for a specific shop or campaign by entering the corresponding ID in the settings.

If you tick the box next to the relevant settings, it is also possible to change the settings within the report.

Click on Connect (top right) to complete the configuration.

Now you can create the desired fields, calculate your own additional fields and then use them in your report.

You can find our data protection information here and our terms and conditions on this page here.