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Magento 2 Installation

Install releva.nz plugin for Magento 2

If you haven't created a releva.nz account yet, please register first: Register here for free

Module installation via Composer

To install the module via Composer, execute one of the following commands in the command line of your shop base directory - where the shop's composer.json file is located.

* `composer require relevanz/retargeting-magento2-plugin`\

(installs the latest released version which is compatible with Magento-2)\.

After execution in the same folder:

`bin/magento setup:upgrade`\


* `composer require relevanz/retargeting-magento2-plugin:dev-master`\

(installs the current development version from github).

After execution in the same folder:

`bin/magento setup:upgrade`\


Alternative installation

Copy all files from the repository:


Execute the following command in the command line of your shop base directory:
