1. Help-Center
  2. Registration & trial period

What happens after the free 30-day trial period?

After the 30-day trial period, your subscription is automatically extended by 30 days to the selected plan.

As soon as your 30-day trial period has expired, your subscription will be automatically extended by 30 days to the selected plan. Of course, you can cancel your subscription at any time during the trial period so that the contract is not extended and you do not incur any costs. You can change plan and cancel your subscription at any time directly in your releva.nz customer account under the “Account” tab.

After the start of the paid subscription, each plan can be cancelled on a monthly basis.


During the first 30 days from the start of the retargeting campaign, we will cover the basic fee and give you an additional €30 ad budget for the ad delivery. The credit will be charged automatically. If the ad budget of €30 is exceeded during the first 30 days, you will be charged for these costs.